Cruise Ship Music Group
The Sea Dogs Cruise Ship Music Group. Phone 07747 801471 or 020 8761 8932
Are you looking for a cruise ship band which covers a wide range of music and entertains audiences of all ages?
Band leader Jeff Williams (trombone and vocals) has been running numerous bands on land and sea for over 25 years. A highly entertaining and likeable personality, Jeff now leads a cruise ship quartet of seasoned musicians who, besides being expert in what they do, are friendly, approachable and fun – one might even say “house trained sea dogs!”

Cruise Ship music group Expect a band that knows how to mingle and socialise with passengers, that understands that they are representing the cruise line and comport themselves appropriately. Past cruises have included the Thomson Destiny to the Caribbean , The QE2 to Norway and Swan Hellenic’s Minerva to The Middle East, The Amazon, France and Ireland.
Cruise Ship Music Group: Here is the band demonstrating its range of music, entertaining style and musical quality. You can access the bands extensive repertoire by clicking here
The Sea Dogs offer:
Deck Dances and Gala Nights (including classic pop from the 50’s and 60’s to the present day).
Lounge and Dinner Jazz (the very best in easy listening)
100s of tunes from the Classic American Song Book
Strict Tempo Dancing a la Strictly Ballroom!
One hour cabarets with themes such as
“The Rat Pack in Las Vegas”
“A Night in New Orleans”
“The Magic of Louis Armstrong”
“Latin Nights”
plus much more…

Cruise Ship Music Group. Here at Ronnie Scott’s
Minerva Ship Cruise Director: Jeff’s band, with a line-up of drums, keyboards, saxophone and trombone, have had the passengers up and dancing pretty much throughout the cruise. The Orpheus Lounge has been busier in the evenings and on our two deck dances, the passengers were throwing themselves around the deck in a frenzy! It was great to see. The final night’s Jam Session was a great success with the musicians contributing to what was a very jolly evening. At sea at Massawa, Jeff Williams and the Band played out on deck. This was a super evening and many passengers came out on deck and contributed to an extremely good ‘deck dance’. This band is seriously good!
Cruise Ship Music Group
Passenger report: Jeff Williams and his Band were excellent and we hope to meet up with them again, all the musicians on board were good, but this band was outstanding.
Peter Coulcher Band Booker: Everyone was delighted with you and the rest of the band! Give me a call, we need to talk more dates!